In the middle of Aarhus, right by the river, is the city's hottest restaurant and bar. As an exuberant volcano that is erupting every day, flowing live music and warm atmosphere out the door. If you pass by there are likely to be overwhelmed by the liquid mass of happy and celebrating people in the evening hours.
As explorers in the Aarhus city life is where you will be rich in experiences. This is where people hung out next to the coffee shop in 1999 called Cafe Svej. If you sit outside you can enjoy a good cup of barista coffee while viewer Århus river that glides quietly past the typical laid-back CCG style.
In a quiet race Aarhusians favor slipping Café Lava into the heart along with the canal, and forms a roaring symphony of emotions that makes you yearn to come back.
Whether you are a businessman who travels a lot and loves the French cafes or you are a young student who adhere to the Danish climes, so you will feel at home in this harmonious composite Danish / French restaurant, overlooking the creek.
Here you do not dream yourself away when you are already there, where dreams occur.
The wide palette of colorful drinks and cocktails will get you to believe that you are at the end of the rainbow, where the gold is stored.
In the bar you can get your beer glass filled with jelly drops from the local brewery, or the current specialty whichever you prefer.
You always meet with an openness and a smile from the friendly staff.
You can quickly and easily book a table at Lava - just press the picture!