Culture Education merge
The government wants world-class and international standards in cultural education in Denmark, inter alia, covering music, design, theater and architecture. So now we made a plan that covers three mergers of several artistic higher education.
Danish Business militates against the plan, calling it a "cold pip". Designers also criticized the proposal and said that the government of this plan has put ambitions too low. Instead, the government should examine what the business requirements of the region is to the designers' skills to match business needs better. Because as it is now Danish designers' skills do not measure up to the level of international designers. This is a problem because Danish companies with high demands on design, as it is now, must collect labor abroad. The government has emphasized the importance that education when the "critical mass". This does, however, not entirely thought out as the major design school in Kolding and Ã…rhus are not included in the merger plans. The criticism continues from several sides with the government's globalization strategy for Denmark, Danish design as an engine of growth, yet they come with a so unambitious and harebrained plan. Liberal culture, Troels Christensen is sympathetic to the proposals from the different sides to improve the proposal. He says while the Exchange that mergers are only the first part of a bigger plan. He wants namely not to "slap it all together." Furthermore, he wants to hear students' reaction to the proposal, so if you have any please feel free to comment on the article below. All three combinations include: 1. The School of Architectural and Design, School of Architecture , The Danish Design School and the Glass and Ceramics School on Bornholm. 2. Academy of Music and Dramatic: the Carl Nielsen Academy of Music and Acting at Odense Theatre . 3. Academy of Music: The Royal Academy of Music and the Royal Academy of Music .