conferences and events during the Danish Presidency
Now you can get an overview of the conferences and events that are being held on education and youth during the Danish EU Presidency.
How to reduce the dropout rate in secondary education? How do we promote young people's creativity, innovation and talent? And how do we ensure closer interaction between vocational education and training, and businesses. These are some of the questions that will be addressed at a number of conferences and events on education and youth, held in conjunction with the Danish EU presidency in the first half of 2012. Conferences and other events related to education and youth under the Danish Presidency Council of the European Union gives the whole track of the conferences and events, such as the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Higher Education and the Ministry of Education will hold the next six months. "The Danish Presidency will be characterized by the fact that Europe is continuing to work hard to get out of the economic and financial crisis. On education and youth is the great challenge to get more young people into education that leads to relevant jobs. By to focus on youth and education, we get more skilled and active citizens who can contribute to innovation and growth in the community. This can contribute to a positive outcome to the crisis. we see it as our task during the Danish Presidency to give the development another push in the right direction, "said Minister for Science, Innovation and Higher Education Morten Østergaard and children and Education Christine Antorini in their common regulation. Source: UVM