Kolding Library

Kolding Library

When you visit Kolding Library, you will meet a dynamic information, learning and culture. It is exciting to be for the whole family. We offer fun, games, café and art - and of course books, movies, music and more which makes Kolding Library for a perfect visit.

Through architecture and interior design created a bright spaces that invite you inside and creates clarity. Here are many opportunities for the whole family. There is room for both the youngest children, and the bigger challenge in Child-X. Child-X is a forandringsrum, where the link between play and learning are paramount.

Around the library there are computers where you can check email, surf or play computer games. At the children's library is appealing to children. While the children play and read, there are lots of good art, the adults can enjoy.

Take advantage also of the library café at the Department of newspapers and magazines or go to Restaurant Berg, adjacent to the library, and where you can take your food and your drinks into the library and enjoy it here.

We prioritize a close relationship between the library and the community very much. So here are often interesting exhibitions with the participation of citizens in Kolding, educational institutions and many others. We also often events of political or cultural nature.