China calls on the Danish students

China calls on the Danish students

New graduate programs in China for Danish students

Good news for students with a spirit of adventure and desire to study in China. SDU and the other Danish universities have teamed up with a leading Chinese university to create a new Danish-Chinese university center. The center is named Sino-Danish Centre for Education and Researche and cooperation means that 50 Danish students each year the opportunity to travel to China and read a new 2-year, Danish graduate program together with Chinese students.

Café Meeting at SDU

Tuesday, December 6, students at SDU can hear more about the programs and meet Danish students who have been in China. Café The meeting is free and open to all - and takes place at. 14-16 on Campusvej 44, Odense in local O 99 and O 96th

four graduate

The new Danish-Chinese graduate programs will be launched next year - and in 2012 offered two master programs within water and environment, neuroscience, innovation management and public administration and social development. The new master's programs are free and SU-eligible. All students can apply for training as long as they have a relevant bachelor, typically within social studies or science. Source: SDU