Candidate Meeting at the University of Southern Denmark in Odense

Candidate Meeting at the University of Southern Denmark in Odense

Thursday, April 28 from 14 to 16.30, you get the opportunity to get to Master Meeting at SDU.

At the meeting, you get the opportunity to be informed about such: What you should be aware of at the end of your training, Su and repayment of loans, unemployment insurance regulations and unemployment benefits, job search, unemployment, employment and more. Candidate meeting is for students who are either in the latter part of the master's and bachelor's program in Humanities, Social Sciences, Science, Technology and Health or the third year BSc program and the business language programs. The program for the meeting is divided so that there will be a common part for all participants, then you can talk to and hear more about the unemployment insurance funds and trade unions on campus square. The meeting is arranged as a collaboration between Career Centre, DM - union for highly educated (DM), Magistrenes Unemployment (MA) Academics (AAK), Engineers unemployment insurance (IAK), Society of Engineers in Denmark (IDA), Union of Communication and Language, DJØF , Pharma Denmark, AS3 and CA a-box. The meeting takes place in room 100 and at Campus Square. Read more about the day on the event website .