Inspiration for teaching IT
What do you think about when you use Facebook and other social media? The Ministry of Education has just released a new faghæfte on ICT and media skills in elementary school.
Facebook and other social media have become a big part of school pupils everyday, so it is a good idea that they learn the consequences of using them. The Ministry of Education publishes a new faghæfte that come with proposals on how the school can reinforce school pupils ICT and media skills. The booklet will be helpful for teachers to raise students' digital skills and is part of a "digital generation" of pupils. It focuses on the diverse skills, pupils must learn to cope in an increasingly IT-based society. Teachers get here a guide, so it can be better integrated in all subjects in primary schools. The booklet contains a number of good courses with the use of ICT and media, which teachers can use while getting instructions on how digital media can have multiple trades can play together. The new faghæfte focuses on four areas of competence in IT: 1. Information search and collection 2. Production and dissemination 3. Analysis 4. Communication, knowledge sharing and collaboration