What should I spend my Sabbath year on?

What should I spend my Sabbath year on?

You have just finished your youth education, which means that the books have been laid far away and the house has been celebrated in great style with all your classmates. Summer holidays are over and you have enjoyed your freedom more than ever before. Now it has become time to come back to everyday life. Most of your friends have already planned what to use for the coming year, and some of them may already be in full swing. However, you still do not know what to spend your year on. A sabbatical year can be used on many things. Here you will find great tips and ideas on how to get the coolest Sabbath year:

Take on your life trip

One of the most popular things to do in his Sabbath year is definitely to travel. There are many different ways to experience the world and there is a possibility that you can get tailored travel that fits your own needs. One of the most popular travel is backpacking. This means traveling with a backpack and exploring the world on its own. There are different ways to backpack as you can do it alone, with a mate or with a traveling group. There are many Danish travel agencies, including international ones, which already have existing and planned programs. It may be a good idea to take a group trip if you have not found a partner to travel with, but at the same time do not want to travel alone. Here you are guaranteed to meet other young people who are in the same boat as you.

If you are not for several months long adventure but still want to go away for a while, a charter trip is always a good bet. It's always nice to come down to the heat and laze by the pool the day long. That way, you can get a break from everyday stress and me.

A more unconventional command of how you can travel during your Sabbath year could be voluntary work. Here are also several organizations and agencies that can help you on the go and have programs all over the world. For example, you can work with wildlife in Africa, teach schoolchildren in Asia or work in orphanages in south america. When traveling, there are things that one must always take into account before departure, including travel insurance. It is important to have a good travel insurance . Travel insurance is always a good idea, as you never know when the accident is out. If you hit a disease or your first flight is delayed and therefore you do not reach your next flight, the insurance also helps here. A travel insurance gives you peace of mind both before, during and after the journey.


Get a job

During your Sabbath year, you have ample opportunity to get out and use your workforce. It's fun trying to get a job and earn money. A work in your Sabbath year gives you an idea of ​​how it will be getting into the labor market one day, as you have duties and tasks every day. You may even be lucky to get some companions for life through your new workplace. There are many places to find a job, and while many think it's hard to find a job, keep in mind that one reaches the right attitude and attitude. For example, you can Search for a job at a kindergarten, at a home or on a warehouse. Another option could be to ask your employers from your previous leisure job that you had in your youth education if they have the opportunity to give you full time. Here you have a big advantage, as they know in advance that you are a good employee.


Decorate your resume

When you have sabbatical years, you have plenty of time and opportunity to decorate your resume. If you want to get into a higher education program that is either difficult to come across or which your section does not reach, it may be a good idea to have some relevant experience on your resume. There are many recipes on how to decorate your resume. Examples of this could be to attend a relevant course or on a particular line at a high school that prepares you for your education. In addition, it would be a good idea to offer yourself as a volunteer so that you can write the dream company on its CV.

There is an ocean of possibilities in the forefFor how to use your Sabbath year, you have probably already received a lot of inspiration from your friends or advice from your family. One thing is for sure, and it's your sabbatical year to be a year you'll forget what you decide to spend time on.