School Baltic Sea
School Baltic think at the school as a basis for human development. They maintain the school's tradition and handed down values. For School Baltic Sea morning assembly, sang and shared meals-building functions.
What to see!
See what you can experience at the School of the Baltic Sea in the video below!
About School Baltic Sea
The basis for making high school dating back to the 1900s where NFS Grundtvig, who did not have much left over for the traditional teaching methods. They gave classical knowledge, but not the most important "Disclosure of Life". It may sound a little dusty, but in fact it is a high school stay. It can prepare you for life in a way that you only know if you've gone to school. The founders of the School of the Baltic Sea was wildly enthusiastic about high schools. Johannes Jensen found (like many others) his wife in high school. Aage Damgaard told that he had some of the best experiences while he was in high school. The ideas for eg Uno-X gasoline and Milton carpets were never arisen if it were not for the high school movement. The two high school geeks had, besides being really good friends in common that they had the finger on the pulse when it was about how Denmark's export markets developed. And when the Wall fell in 1989, they could see a huge potential for 16 million. new German customers. But they were concerned about whether there were enough young people who would be ready to act with the many new customers. So they went to the times of founding a high school whose purpose was to teach young people German in the school's free hits, so it was fun to learn a foreign language. Since then the School Baltic Sea developed various projects. First of Danes who wanted to find out about German and Germany was something for them. Later the Germans who would enter the Danish labor market.
At School Baltic Sea we got in 2004 the idea to add an extra dimension on top Grundtvigs really good thoughts about learning. It was the concept of "High School Plus", which today is a proven concept, where we, through our network, intermediary job in the German-speaking area. Skibumsprojektet is one of the total of three current projects. It has been for many infatuations, crises, tougher language ears and well-rounded social winners in the 17 years the high school has existed. And we look forward also to welcome you.