HSK is an organization that works to highlight and resolve the problems disabled students, as well as better conditions for the disabled in educational institutions.
The focal point of HSK is that all students, disabled and non-disabled people should have the same opportunities for education and job afterwards. HSK is an organization which carries problems for students with almost all kinds of disabilities - it may be wheelchair users, blind, deaf, dyslexic, deaf etc.
Specifically working HSK improve such accessibility for disabled students at the educational institutions. HSK also provides personal counseling to students with disabilities who want help with job search and future career.
It costs 150 kr. Annually to be a member of HSK and membership can be acquired by sending an e-mail to hsk@hum.ku.dk with the following information:
• Name, address, telephone number and email address
• Study or training
• Which membership is desired (active / passive / support)
Advice to Students and Graduates
HSK has personal, written and telephone counseling. All members - regardless of where in the training or the job situation he is in - can turn. The counseling may include a variety of issues, including following:
-Boligforhold - Kollegiebyggeriers availability etc.
Economics - SU, rehabilitation benefits and disability pension, wage subsidies for business, etc.
-Uddannelsessteders Availability terms. Physical conditions, induction loop supply and measures for blind and partially sighted
-Jobmuligheder After graduation - job under normal conditions, icebreaker scheme, light jobs & flexijob etc.
-Application Of personal assistance with job
Prior to the personal contact we always recommend to make a prior arrangement as we cover different academic areas and want to provide security for the best and most qualified advice in relation to a given problem, and that the right counselor is present.
Are there issues that we are unable to answer, please refer always on to an appropriate body, which we have experience, knowledge of the current area. There may be talk about the general study preparedness, disability adviser AF system, job consultant, disability organization or Equal Opportunities Centre for Disabled Persons.