HOS ANDERS is an original bar and bodega in the center of the city of Aarhus. Here you meet people of all ages to socialize and party to live music.
Should you meet with your friends over a cold beer, have a break from the busy life or partying to live music, the HOS ANDERS recommended. HOS ANDERS are cosiness and the good mood the most important!
The audience
HOS ANDERS is visited by a wide audience of all ages and you can find all types from students to retirees, business men and football - in short, it is all well represented on HOS ANDERS. The vast majority of visitors come to enjoy a cold beer in good company or listen to one of the numerous musical events.
musical events
HOS ANDERS is well known for its music, which always draws full houses. Music genre is too wide and hit a large audience with bla. Country, Blues, Rock and funky Jazz. Every Saturday appears a band or group of HOS ANDERS and during the week, f. Ex Friday and Sunday, you can also experience live music on HOS ANDERS. Read more in HOS ANDERS music calendar .
Special beer
The range of special beers is really big HOS ANDERS and the staff are making every effort to find and constantly renew the specialty beers that make the visit even more enjoyable. The most popular specialty beers: Kozlak - Polish special beer brewed with Pilsner malt and caramel malt Spitfire - British Strong Ale with form full flavor Leffe blonde - Belgian top-fermented Abbey Ale No. 16 - classic fermented Danish strong beer from Funen Old Gambrinus Dark - Danish special beer from the brewery Hancock in Skive
There are good deals on wet goods from HOS ANDERS Mondays, trsdage and Sundays every week. See here: Sunday: Between the hours. 11:00 to 18:00. CERES bottled kr. 15.00 per. paragraph. Monday and Tuesday: Store pint kr. 25.00 per. PCS.