Gyldendal offers free encyclopedia

Gyldendal offers free encyclopedia

Gyldendal has now chosen to make encyclopaedia freely available for all to use reference work for free. At the same time you as a user now even the opportunity to develop further in the lexicon.

The encyclopedia contains right now 160,000 articles, which can be used free of charge from February 2009. Gyldendal makes it additionally possible for users to write very own articles and contribute suggestions for improvement of the existing articles.

Mixing the traditional Encyclopedia and Wikipedia

Gyldendal launches the brand new online encyclopedia called The Great Danish, which is a combination of Encyklopædiens known and credible content and users' own corrections and additions as known from Wikipedia. So therefore, the existing articles still the main thrust of the new lexicon, but new words and letters are welcome from users. Do you have special knowledge you want to share with the rest of Denmark will be announced on of Gyldendal, but it will be made clear to users that this is an article written by a user. This knowledge will furthermore be used by Gyldendal future lexicon.

Knowledge sharing

Gyldendal want with the Great Danish, creating the history of Denmark's major central for knowledge sharing. And this shall within three years while helping to make Gyldendals lexicon twice as large with over 120,000 articles from the current 60,000. However, this requires a large group of experts to review the proposals to ensure the quality. But this is already provided for in the plans.

Would you like to join?

Gyldendals editorial is now seeking contact with people who would like to be part of the expert panel, or medforfatters to the Great Danish. You can as of now register as one of the above to Great Danes website. Augustinus Foundation, which previously supported the encyclopedia, contributed a double-digit million amount for the start up of. Perhaps not only of good heart, as they are also shareholders in Gyldendal. When this amount is used is the meaning of financing should be provided through ads. Google is here inside the light as possible. partner Visit the Great Danish here .