Groundwater Project rewarded with brewery scholarship to students

Groundwater Project rewarded with brewery scholarship to students

An engineering specialty that focuses on clean groundwater for iron by comparing results from two Jutland waterworks, are now being aided by support from Carlsberg Memorial Grant. The receiver is the 27-year-old Polish-born chemical engineer students Kartarzyna Arturi from Aalborg University Esbjerg.

Chemical Engineering Students Kartarzyna Arturi from Aalborg University Esbjerg receives grant from Carlsberg.- I was surprised, proud and very happy when I heard that I would get the scholarship. It is a great honor and it gives me the opportunity to invest in materials and attend conferences related to my thesis. Moreover, it is good to have standing on my resume when I finish the university, says scholarship recipient in the liquid Danish, she has arrogated after seven years of residence in Denmark. Kartarzyna Arturi went one year at the home university in Poland, and she originally came only to Denmark to work in less time. - But I was attracted by the different project-based study method, which is very different from the more traditional teaching I experienced in Poland, she says.

Humble and impressively skilled

The grant of 75,000 kroner was presented at an event in Copenhagen on Thursday. To Kartarzyna Arturi found himself among this year's eight selected recipients is partly due to a wholehearted recommendation from her supervisor, section leader Erik Gydesen Søgaard from the Section of Chemical Engineering at AAU Esbjerg. - Kartarzyna mince and sported not with how good she is. But I have followed her for years and she is incredibly active and clever. Earlier this study was she for instance with to make a huge work in a project on heavy metals in an incinerator with very thorough and impressive laboratory work, says Erik Gydesen Søgaard.

Iron Age settlement residues in the water

The ongoing thesis work on iron in groundwater can also provide important input to Esbjerg researchers' other activities where drinking water purification just a priority. Large deposits of iron in ground water are typically seen in the areas where there has been Iron Age settlements. The iron is removed from the water by means of oxidation and precipitation. Sometimes the microorganisms participating in the form of bacteria in the oxidation through the formation of so-called bio-polymers. Kartarzyna Arturi will compare precipitates from different waterworks in order to identify whether microbes have had a significant share in the process. Waterworks in Astrup near Esbjerg and Jernvedlund by Gredstedbro are the first who will be involved in the studies. In practice it will be done by examining iron sludge and water from the works with a variety of instruments based on X-rays and microscopes for nanoscale. If all goes to plan, exits Kartarzyna Arturi thesis and training for the summer, but it does not mean that she is done with worrying about the quality of our drinking water. - If I may be allowed to do so, I would still like to do something in the same area and deal with biochemistry and water, she says. Source: AAU