FreQenz Intercoiffure
At FreQenz determines you as a customer even how "green" you will be, but FreQenz works basically only with products that are no unnecessary additives such as parbener, you want to go further, they can offer hair products that are eco-labeled and hair coloring from Organic system. This does not prevent their creativity, to rule out making a permanent, bright red or deep dark color hair.
Decide for yourself, they can handle it all, the choice is YOURS.
For FreQenz Intercoiffure on Frederick Street 45 in Aarhus city center. FreQenz Intercoiffure attaches great importance to follow the latest fashion and trends that characterize mature. You are always welcome to have an informal conversation with a hairdresser from FreQenz Intercoiffure about how your hair and hairstyle can come to look like - of course according to your wishes.
FreQenz offers student clip / young cut, which is carried out by their talented students. You can take advantage of this offer until you turn 25. The price is only kr.305, - with consultation washing and styling.
Are you at least 25 years, the price for a student haircut kr.405.-
Want to be cut by a trained hairdresser, prices from kr.490.-
FreQenz Intercoiffure sells a range of quality products for hair and makeup for the face. You can blah. find Oribe, USPA and The ingredients