For many students in high school classes
After high schools went over to private ownership last year the number of students in each class exploded.
In some places there are up to 36 students in each class, which gives a bad climate and increases dropout. The fact that most colleges are built for only 24 students per. Class does not make it less problematic with classes containing up to 36 students. But by filling more students into classes is one of the only ways high schools can manage the economy right now, with high school students at least must have 2,470 hours of training before they can get their hue. This can not be saved on teaching hours. The question is whether the rule on freehold makes high schools poorer and dropout higher. StudenterGuiden.dk also sees the possibility that high schools pranks markedly when competition for students suddenly have consequences. For by creating classes with good conditions for students to high schools could expect higher retention rates and thus more money from the government for supporting the higher standard. Let us hope that we have right here in the editorial and preliminary dubious trends facing when the competition really bites fat.