Several nurses and multimedia designers must leave

Several nurses and multimedia designers must leave

At least 20 percent of the students and for professional education must study abroad as part of their training. The aim of the Ministry of Education's new internationalization strategy.

Upcoming French teachers must have stayed in France, German teacher in Germany, the nurse should be able to take part of his training abroad, the teacher read in Spain and the social worker have experiences of social work in the United States. These are just a few examples of the goal of a new strategy for the internationalization of the Ministry. The goal is that at least 20 percent of students from the profession and professional education in 2020, taking an internship or study abroad. The strategy will help remove barriers to internationalization and developing erhvervsakademiers and Colleges' internationalization efforts. In the Strategy a number of initiatives and recommendations that will contribute to achieving the goal that more students go abroad during their training, for example: * Fixed packages as part of education where a half years of study or work abroad included in the studio and not prolong the period of study * Cooperation between Danish and foreign programs, so students do not have to find an employer or educational institution * International certificate of competence * Internship Handbook abroad * Fixed targets for mobility on the individual programs enrolled in development contracts * More flexible credit. It is important that programs are planned so students can go abroad without prolonging their studies. Just as it is important that the students get better, more targeted information about the possibility of studying abroad. For example, several nursing students are able to read a half years in the United States, or more multimedia design students will want an internship in Germany. Education Minister Bertel Haarder said: "The Government has made it possible to pay for study abroad and their student grant. But there are still too few students go out. It must be made much easier for the students so that they can get a package deal with internship or study abroad as part of their Danish education. A stay abroad provides an understanding and experience of languages ​​and other cultures to draw on for life. And it should be on every professional colleges without saying that future language teachers have been abroad, "says Bertel Haarder. The strategy is in line with the Bologna Process target that at least 20 percent of European graduates in higher education in 2020, have had a study or internship abroad as part of their training. Figures from 2007/2008 show that the number of students to study or work abroad amounted to 7.6 percent of the graduates bachelors and 3.8 percent of the graduates academy graduates. The figures underlines the need for a strong and determined effort to get more AP and professional students to go abroad if they are to contribute to the 20-percent target is reached. The strategy was prepared in cooperation with representatives of the university colleges and business academies. The basis of the strategy is a series of new studies on internationalization and outgoing mobility. Thus, the strategy is rooted in the latest knowledge on educational institutions work with internationalization. Source: Ministry of Education