Several international schools to attract foreign labor
Denmark lacks international school places for children of highly educated foreign parents. Therefore, the Minister of Education Bertel Haarder has just introduced a bill that makes it possible to set up branches of international schools.
An American software developer or an Indian pharmaceutical research - Denmark's interest in attracting and retaining highly skilled foreign workers. To Denmark more attractive on the international labor market, there must be more opportunities for high-skilled foreign parents may have taught their children to international schools. Here the international students, for example, be taught in English in reading, history or mathematics. It is an important competitive factor, if highly qualified foreign parents must choose Denmark as their future workplace. Friday, January 29, 2010 the Minister of Education Bertel Haarder responded with a bill that makes it possible to create international branch schools in Denmark. In future, independent schools with another teaching language than Danish could establish branches for their education elsewhere in the country. Furthermore, private colleges, which offer international exams that can provide access to higher education in Denmark, also have the same opportunity. Education Minister Bertel Haarder said: "We need to attract even more pundits to the country. International expertise is critical if we are to develop future innovation and knowledge society. Therefore, several international school places an important carrot that we can now offer the skilled foreign labor in Denmark. "Source: Ministry of Education