Fantask is a bookstore and game store in a side street of the shopping street where you can buy lots of the latest comics of all genres. Fantask also has an impressive selection of board games, role playing, miniature wargaming (f. Ex Warhammer) and books of great writers like JRR Tolkien and the like. from the fantasy genre.
Specifically, you'll find Fantask at two different addresses - but within a few meters. Fantask has namely split their two stores, so you will find books and comics in one store and games, figurines and manga in the other store.
about Fantask
Fantask opened its first store back in 1972 and since then the leading store in Copenhagen in comics, Board games and miniature wargaming and role-playing accessories. In the beginning Fantask popularly bit of a "geek-shop" with role playing a la Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, but it has markedly changed by fantasy, manga, role play, Lord of the Rings and board games have become "mainstream" in Denmark and a natural part of young and adult hobby in Denmark today. The cool thing Fantask is to store the last 38 years of managed to keep its finger on the pulse of developments and news within its territory. Are there a new board game or fantasy novel (can be anything from Steven King to manga) so you can be sure that Fantask within with it or can order it for you.
Fantasks selection
Fantask have an overwhelming selection of literature in the fantasy genre, featured games, manga, hentai, comics and film series. The undersigned has during his studies in Copenhagen many times presented Fantask a visit and have always appreciated the store and its committees. As for role-playing accessories, there is no better shop in Denmark than Fantask - you live in f. Ex Aarhus, then you can simply book via the web and Fantask ship your order within a few days, smart. Do you live in Copenhagen, then signed highly recommend visiting the physical store, as sentiment is top notch - as other young people and adults with the same interests as you frequently look past Fantask.
popular products
Fantask has many popular products which also gives a very good impression of what interests the core customers of Fantask have. We have chosen to bring a small selection of the most popular products here
Prices in Fantask
It is difficult to speak objectively about the prices of Fantask. You can f. Ex buy "mainstream" fantasy books and comics for really cheap money, whereas the older classics and rare books and comics can be costly to acquire - with good reason. Board and miniature wargaming is actually priced quite reasonably and take into consideration, under which holding you get, the price is absolutely reasonable. Look under "SALE!" on Fantasks website so you can find really good deals on many different products.