Facts about admission in 2009
Thursday. July 30 was the day when eager young people across Denmark opened their mailbox to see if they had been admitted to their dream studio. StudenterGuiden.dk bring here the essential facts about filming 2009.
A general trend of higher education is the record high rejection rate. It is sad for the many young people who did not go into dreams education - did not you come in? Then take our news on Availabilty in educational institutions and see if you can not find another, exciting education.
- The number of applicants for videresågende education has been high in 2009. But the entire 13,749 was not busy at Dreams program.
- Students have primarily sought into education in big cities. Whereas Esbjerg, Kolding and Sønderborg availability for all the courses they offer.
- Computer Science, Danish / Nordic language, English, mathematics, physics and biology are among the university that still have free seats all over the country.
- Many free seats are also among other studieren are as a laboratory technician, market economist trade economist, educator and installer.
- Women are predominant among this year's candidates: 37,017 women have sought higher education. For men, the figure is 25,663.