Community singing at Campus Square

Community singing at Campus Square

University marks song Year with song during the lunch break, talks about singing and forskertræf.

Students and staff at the University of Southern Denmark is this year more chances to get touched vocal cords. The first time is Wednesday, February 13, where they are invited to a half-hour singalong at lunchtime. Rector Jens Oddershede will choose two songs by the Assembly shall raise, and he will tell why he has chosen the songs. Community song going at. 12 to 12:30 at the main entrance in Odense, and everyone is welcome to the event, where research librarian Peter E. Nissen serving piano. He does so also on March 12, April 9 and 14 May, which again called for singalong. "Sang bring joy and unity, and it is important that in an individualistic time also remember to care for these properties " says Peter E. Nissen, who heads the university library's music department. He is one of the initiators of community singing and other musical activities to mark the University ends up on the song Year . "Singing is culture, and since we as a university to disseminate and process our culture, we find it quite natural that we should be with " he said. University of Southern Denmark is also responsible for six song arrangements that are partly kept in museums in Odense, partly in Sct. His Church in Odense. It is the "song and Carl Nielsen" at the Carl Nielsen Museum on May 6 and "The song and Hans Christian Andersen" in the Hans Christian Andersen Museum on 5 November. The other events all take place in the church where the SDU and the church's neighbor, Marie Jorgensen's School have come together four laps singalong. "We are also in the process of arranging the symposium in November, when the SDU researchers who somehow focus on singing, will have the opportunity to exchange knowledge " says Peter E. Nissen. The song's Year 2008 set up by Michael Bojesen, one of the country's leading choirmasters and chief conductor of the Danish Radio Girls choir. The project has been developed in cooperation with and with support from the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Culture and DR. Song Year 2008 serves as an umbrella organization that develops, disseminates and markets all initiatives dealing song in 2008.