Business-oriented and practice-oriented higher education is most popular
Again this year the number of applications to higher education has increased, and the candidates are younger than before. The business and professional programs are most popular.
More young people will have a higher education, and they start earlier in the program. The vocational and practical training is the most popular among the applicants. It shows the candidate statistics from the Coordinated Enrolment 2011. By the deadline on July 5 had 75,161 applied for admission to higher education. It is a new record and an increase of almost 10 percent since 2010. Education Minister Troels Lund Poulsen is pleased with the great search. "I am delighted that young people largely choose vocational and practical training. They are typically characterized by lower dropout rates and faster execution, and there are excellent career opportunities in education. The students gain skills that can be applied directly to the labor market. It has Danish economy desperately needs. It is also positive that so many are looking into programs that are directed at the private sector. And then the young really taken the message to heart to get started quickly with an education. The sooner they get started, the sooner they can come out and contribute to society and support themselves, "says Troels Lund Poulsen. Over half looking into a profession or professional training. This training is part of the Ministry of Education and training institutions achieve compared to 2010 an increase of nearly 13 percent. The young, the former trend to go faster in the process of a higher education after their high school diploma. The proportion of young people who are under 21 when looking in, has risen from 23 percent in 2006 to almost 30 percent this year. Pædagoguddannelsen is still the country's most popular, higher education, followed by nursing education and teacher training, but training, targeting the private sector, can also note a marked improvement. This applies to education bachelor of engineering, energy technologist and financial economist. Also new programs gain increasing interest from applicants. This applies, among other bachelor's degree in finance, which since 2008 has more than doubled the number of applicants and bachelor's degree in public administration, which since 2008 has quadrupled the number of applicants. Source: UVM.dk