A job counselor-training ????

A job counselor-training ????

A study by the Centre for Labour Market Research (CARMA) at Aalborg University, shows that one in five employees in the job centers do not have appropriate training.

The survey was conducted among 1,121 employees in 27 of the country's job centers. In the municipalities where the study is made, you as unemployed will be met by social workers who have an education as a teacher, window or even porn photographer ... Professor Henning Jørgensen from CARMA do not think that's good enough. -When You f. Ex. Go to the doctor, you expect the doctor is qualified and that professionalism is in order. How should it be when an unemployed person goes to the job center to get help.

Decidedly job counselor-training

Henning Jørgensen believes that therefore something must be done-improvement academically. He suggests an actual job counselor education as it exists in countries around Denmark. There must be some requirements for professionalism and training behind such a job. HK / Kommunals Employment Committee, which is representative of the majority of job consultants are, says that all measures to enhance job consultants' professional, is more than welcome. President Ilse Asmussen would like to stress that the job consultants who are there now, doing their job properly. They're employed by some employment authorities are confident that they can handle the task.

agreement Requirements

However recognizes Ilse Asmussen, there sometimes can be a hole in the special knowledge about f. Ex. The legal among staff job consultants. However, there is a possibility for further training as it is now for them. Right now, it is a little difficult to send people on courses as everyday life is very busy, and the municipalities are financially pressed. Otherwise it is a responsibility of management is that getting sent staff off on courses so they are qualified to handle these tasks. In HK, they therefore made a treaty requirement that all new employees must at least have offered an introductory course, says Ilse Asmussen. Professor Henning Jørgensen has assessed that the employees in the industry that needs to be up skilled is about 15,000 people.