Students can get volunteering at diploma

Students can get volunteering at diploma

Work voluntarily and have it recognized in connection with your education. A new initiative means that secondary schools must offer students the opportunity to volunteer.

Take a stint as a volunteer alongside the training and get a diploma, you can attach your diploma. It is the signal of a new initiative of the Interior and Social Affairs Karen Ellemann and Education Minister Bertel Haarder. All students in secondary education will in future be offered a course of at least 20 hours of volunteer work. This could be as a football coach or help with homework in a charity. The work must be done during the training and lie outside school hours. Interior and Social Affairs Karen Ellemann said: "The involvement of young people in volunteering is an important resource for our community. At the same benefit as the youngsters. They are aware of how other people live, and a knowledge of Danish society, which can not be read to. Thus they are better equipped both professionally and personally in their further education. "Education Minister Bertel Haarder said:" Having done voluntary work as a manager, helps, visiting friend or mentor can be as qualifying as many school subjects. It says a lot about the person you are dealing with, and therefore it should be like in many other countries, that it is a natural part of a resume that tells us what has been done beyond what is necessary. "It will appear on students' diplomas that they have been offered voluntary work. At the same time they get a diploma for completed volunteer work. Many young people - especially the very young - are very interested in volunteering. It shows Volunteerism study from 2006. The study found that close to two-thirds of the non-volunteers in the age group of 16 to 25 years interested if they are asked to. The current initiative comes from a committee appointed by the Ministry of Social Affairs in connection with the quality reform. The Committee has just completed its work. The Committee will consist of the Interior and Social Affairs (chairman) of the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Culture and director unions, student organizations and voluntary organizations. The initiative begins in February 2010. There are deposited 8.8 million crowns annually in the Finance Act. Source: Ministry of Education