Retraining hitter among Danes

Retraining hitter among Danes

Almost one in three adults Dane takes one adult or continuing education. This is three times as many as the total for the EU.

IT courses and seminars. Development talks in the workplace and labor market training courses. Lifelong learning takes many forms. The latest figures from the EU show that Danish participation in lifelong learning from 2000 to 2007 increased from 19.4 percent to 29.2 percent. In the rest of the EU, the figures are much lower. Overall, the figures show an increase from 7.1 percent in 2000 to 9.7 percent in 2007 for the entire EU. Denmark is in second place, only surpassed by Sweden, which has seen an increase from 21.6 percent to 32.6 percent. The EU has just adopted a new strategy for European cooperation in education between 2010-2020. The strategy contains five benchmarks, of which lifelong learning is one, and the aim is that at least 15 percent of adults participating. Preliminary statistics show that among other things can look at the figures for lifelong learning that Denmark is doing very well in terms of meeting the EU 's common objective. Since 2001, the government has worked to improve lifelong learning opportunities. In 2001 the government adopted a comprehensive VEU reform, among other things, laid the foundation for master and diploma education and higher adult education. They thus create a better framework for adult education and training and increased funding to expand the already existing services such as AMU. Furthermore, the government in 2006 with the globalization agreement envisaged a further significant efforts by, among other things to give a billion extra for vocational adult and continuing education, including adult vocational training. In addition, the government decided to invest heavily to highlight the importance of adult and continuing education. It was in this context, among other things made several campaigns to motivate Danes and businesses to use for education. In addition, also adult guidance effort strengthened. The crisis has been even more back to school. AMU providers across the country are reporting full houses. Therefore, the Ministry of Education recently paid 132 million crowns for AMU-providers to more rooms and hiring more teachers, so it is possible to continue the positive approach. Education Minister Bertel Haarder is happy development. "In the distressed economic situation choose even more to improve their skills. It is well. Denmark is world famous for flexicurity model and a highly trained and specialized workforce that is good to adapt and try new things. It is a cornerstone in recent years of strong growth. Denmark has a long tradition of participating in adult education programs, and all parties involved; individuals, businesses, social partners and the state. It is necessary to keep the high level, "he says. Source: Ministry of Education