The Old Pharmacy

If you love nips stuff for home, then you will love The Old Pharmacy. The Old Pharmacy opened back in 1989 by Erik Tygesen. He had a special fondness for old buildings and furniture as well as for Christmas and nostalgia, which has created this wonderful universe. This wonderful store is an experience in itself to visit and stand out from other stores. The dream from that time has certainly been visualized in what is today the Old Pharmacy. The store can be found both in Tønder and in Copenhagen as well as pop-up shops around the country. The Old Pharmacy in Copenhagen is located at the address Vimmelskaftet 46.


If you do not have the opportunity to visit one of their unique stores, you may want to check out their webshop. Here you will find everything within Christmas decorations, home accessories and gift items. You can also experience this magical atmosphere from stores through their webshop, which they try to bring into their digital world. Both goods, range and prices are the same, however you can sit at home while shopping their beautiful products, which is clearly also an advantage for those who prefer to shop online.

Although the store is mostly associated with holidays and anniversaries, it is possible to experience the store year round. Here you will not only sell Christmas ornaments for which the store is otherwise very well known, but also home accessories and other nips items. In addition, you can find art of use and inspiration for gift ideas.

If this sounds like something to you, then you can visit the store all year round either in Tønder or Copenhagen. If you want to shop online, you may want to check out their webshop, where you can also feel the magic.