The upper secondary school exam results 2010
Analyses and tables on the grades in high school.
The examination results generally Stx-students achieves 6.9 is still the highest exam results, while students at hf by 5.9 achieves the lowest. The number of students is graduating 37,456 students in 2010. This is an increase of 4 percent compared to last year. The girls outperform boys Like the recent years, the examination results for the girls higher than boys in 2010. Most significant is the difference between htx where the girls' examination result is 7.2 on the examination results of boys 6.4. In 2010, higher preparatory single the only training where the boys with an examination result of 6.9 outperform girls who have an exam score of 6.6. Students with Danish ancestry best performing students with Danish ancestry generally perform better than students of foreign origin. This trend is general for the whole period 2005-2010. The girls of foreign origin perform better than boys of foreign origin in 2010. Read the full brief on the secondary school exam results in 2010 (pdf) Source: UVM.dk