Computer Science (DIKO)
Department of Computer Science was created in the summer of 1970. Here you can read both for undergraduate, graduate and Ph.D. in computer science. It involves subjects such as Functional programming, mathematics, graphics, logic in computer science, distributed systems, robot Exploratorium and more.
Department of Computer Science at the University of Copenhagen, DIKU, offers undergraduate - graduate - and PhD programs in computer science.
DIKU is an institute of the Faculty of Science and cooperates closely with the university's other faculties, institutes and centers to modernize IT education.
DIKU also operates research at international level with close contact to research institutions and companies or undertakings in Denmark as well as abroad.
DIKU includes the following research groups: Picture Group , Language and Algorithm Group and Human-centered computing group (HCC group).
DIKU has existed since 1970 and has grown from the days when 10 employees and 550 students in 2012 almost 70 employees and 1000 students.
In 2010 celebrated the Institute's 40th anniversary with a large-scale celebration where over 400 participants from Denmark and abroad participated. In the same occasion published the institution a jubilee book with articles on computer science history and development.