Café 8Tallet

If you want to visit a combination of restaurant and café in Copenhagen, you can visit Café 8Tallet. Café 8Tallet in Copenhagen is located at the address Richard Mortensens Vej 81A in Copenhagen S.

At Cafe 8Tallet they have a burger menu which they call Burgermania. If you are looking for a place that serves delicious burgers, then this is definitely Café 8Tallet to check out. On their Burgermania menu you will find several different kinds of burgers, including beef, vegetarian or chicken, so there is something for everyone. For your burger you can get delicious accessories, ferrets and dip.

If you are interested in their Burgermania menu, you can check it out here.

On their remaining menu you will find various café classics, such as sandwiches, brunch, steak as well as good drinks such as delicious coffee or good wines.

Café 8Tallet has a delicious location directly next to the water, and when the weather permits, it is great to sit outdoors and enjoy the food and the view of the water. All you have to do is concentrate on choosing what you want to try out on the menu and you will be served with a smile in a delicious setting.

Does this sound like something to you? Then take your study buddies under your arm for a cozy café experience in extremely delicious surroundings. Get more information on the website or check out their social media, where you can check out their Instagram profile, for example . Enjoy delicious food at home.