Building reshuffle in Odense falls into place

Building reshuffle in Odense falls into place

Science Minister Charlotte Sahl-Madsen and Education Tina Nedergaard has found a solution that ensures that the building reshuffle in Odense can be implemented.

There have recently been some uncertainty about the situation in connection with the construction reshuffle in Odense. The reason is that the financial crisis has changed the economic conditions. The market price of the buildings to be traded between the Parties, have fallen by about 30 percent. It has given some shifts in where the money for the project had to be found. We have now found a solution. Much remains to final approval of the economy of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, like the four negotiating partners in the form of the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, University and University College Lillebælt must approve the agreement in the Community. Source: