Do you also Odense Municipality website?

Do you also Odense Municipality website?

At Odense municipality's website you will find a lot of relevant information if you live in Odense. Everything from bus schedules to information on higher education. Perhaps this is why the website extremely popular. Visit here

KPI Index has just published the latest figures from the Danish municipality Index. Here no. 2 only surpassed by Odder Municipality's website. In week 3 had 34,756 unique visitors. It is more than both Aalborg and Aarhus municipality websites and is second only to Copenhagen. If you put the number of visitors up to the number of citizens is Odense even further ahead of the country's three other main cities, surpassed only by Odder. - Odder Municipality has really put resources in their website and provide an excellent service to local citizens online, says Web coordinator in Odense, Birgit Pedersen. - In Odense, we must continue the good work that we are doing and constantly be at the forefront of offering the public good self-service solutions and credible information. During 2009 will be on see profound changes and new initiatives to make the municipality's website even better. Maybe we can even turn Odder next year, smiles Birgit Pedersen.