Residential Warranty in Sønderborg
If you live in Denmark outside postcodes 6200-6499 offers accommodation office Sønderborg you guaranteed accommodation in Sønderborg when you start education in Sønderborg.
Who can apply for a student accommodation
- All those entering on a program recognized by the State Education as eligible
- All who seek / obtain a training or apprenticeship
- For applicants for multi-room dwellings required only one party is in education
housing Types
- Rooms and 1-room apartments are only accepted / inhabited by individuals
- 1½-room apartments can be searched / inhabited by individuals and single parents with one child
- Multi-room homes can be searched / occupied by couples and single parents with children
What is the chance of a dwelling
- Submit your application as soon as possible (preferably one year before the anticipated start)
- Search all accommodation types
- Search occupation is already 2 months before the start of the training
- Newcomers met before local residents in the Sønderborg area
Attention is drawn to the following
- If the application is incomplete, incorrect or incomplete it becomes canceled
- The informations are indicated on honor
- The Review Board reserves the right to undertake verification of the reported information
- If the applicant is under 18 years require parental / guardian's signature (transmitted separately)
Treatment of applicants
- Once we have received an application, it is treated by some fixed setting criteria, which they deemed to have the greatest need, go in first
- The applicant's current residence, social and economic conditions determine placement in the category AF, where A is the highest priority. Date of receipt determines the order for placement in the respective group
- The student council at Sønderborg's educational appoints members of the selection board
- The Committee shall consider received applications for exemptions, etc.
Housing allocation
- Available housing is offered first applicants in Group A, then Group B, etc.
- Offer Letter should be answered within 3 days - otherwise offered the property to another
- After acceptance is made lease and transfer forms to cover the deposit and the first month's rent.
Please contact the Housing Guarantee in Sønderborg if you have any questions at Tel: 7442 4849 Mail: kontor@kk.kollegie6400.dk