Become a hypnosis therapist with 5-PATH® hypnosis training

Become a hypnosis therapist with 5-PATH® hypnosis training

In autumn, the possibility of the Middle and East Jutlanders when Hypnosishuset Danmark will open the doors for their popular 5-PATH® hypnosis training.

If you want to be among the candidates to take an education within an alternative treatment method that is very successful, then until August you have the chance. However, it is a good idea to sign up on time to be sure to get a seat on the team.

If it's the alternative that draws you, and you want to become self-employed, as a hypnosis therapist, choose an education that gives you the full RAB permission where you can be tax-exempt. With a total of 660 hours, the education meets the requirements that SKAT has to be tax-exempt.

Sign up for the education d. 18 August already today.

It takes place in Vejle, so if you are landfast with Jutland you can quickly get there. The education is divided into 5 modules divided into weekends during the autumn, so you can easily participate, even if you have a full-time job next to it. You can read more about 5 PATH® hypnotic education here .