Cheapest travel without student discount
Consumer Agency has recently made a price check, which examined what it costs to travel between the major Danish cities.
The study shows that it can certainly be cheaper to travel by regular tickets than using student discounts. Consumer Agency recommends a daily check prices of Orange tickets, as prices can vary from day to day. The study was carried out from seven different lines in Denmark and the fares have been studied valid for bus, train and plane. Prices are all return. The companies that have been studied are the bus companies Abildskou and X-Bus, train operators Arriva and DSB and the airlines SAS, Cimber Sterling and Norwegian. The lines are distributed between Copenhagen, Odense, Esbjerg, Aarhus and Aalborg. Prices are also calculated in relation to that departure takes place on April 8 and the return journey on 13 April. Read more at Funen Stifstidende