Australian Barbecue
Australian Barbecue is a very popular barbecue takeout eatery in Aalborg. Here you will find specialties in all kinds of grilled food and interesting meat dishes. You can among other things, try Outback Barbecue Ribs, Barbecue Chicken, Skippy Steak, BBQ Wings or what Meat-Master menu?
If you are not a specific menu, you can choose to put together your own! You might love the appetizers and would rather have more of these, rather than a dessert or main course. You can choose between starters, main courses, desserts, midnight snack and not least a huge selection of optional accessories. Prices are very SU friendly and you go certainly not hungry from the table.
Should you or your class throw a party or the like is also possible to order catering - so drop in for all the trouble to shop and cook! Are you 10 or more, you can buy summer buffet from only kr. 89.- per. person.
On Australian Barbeques Facebook page praises guests the wonderful food - Below is a selection:
"Good, tasty food. Tender meat and actual much food. For the price it is excellent. Accurate delivery with instructions. Got Kings Canyon Buffet. "
"Delicious and easy food for a great price - and there is always plenty. :) "
"On 30 January, we delivered food to 142 people a place in Virgin Ane Gade. Very good food, it came on time and there was enough of it. There was something for everyone and no one went hungry from the table. Lots of praise from the diners :) "
Studenterguiden.dk only find positive feedback from guests who have ordered food at Australian Barbecue. Users have given 4.6 out of a possible 5 star! The prices are really good, and here you get full value for every penny. If you like food made on the grill, the Australian Barbecue definitely the place for you!