Askov, Denmark's best known and oldest high school - and has a long gruntvigiansk tradition. Askov Folk High School was founded in 1865. It is located in the small village Askov about 3 km. from the road and with excellent rail connections to Copenhagen and Aarhus.
Askov Folk High School was founded and based on Grundtvig's thoughts and ideas about a high school - and it is still deeply rooted in the core values of the school. Tidånden has changed and Askov have followed, adapted, but is still aware of its historical tradition.
On Askov's education, skills and personal meetings with other students centerpiece. School strives to students at Askov be included in the community and share ideas, knowledge, views and attitudes of prejudice. The programs must develop individual at Askov and challenge students in music, language, creative arts, literature, history, art, aesthetics and ethics.
Tuition at Askov is divided into four main themes: Journalism, Film line, writing line and Danish Language and Culture:
Journalism Journalist bar is one of the most popular courses at Askov and the school can boast that 75% of their students enter the Journalist study. So you stand and must apply for Journalist studio can be a very good idea to invest in a stay at Askov. Read more
Film bar Film bar is teaching film analysis and camera techniques. You learn to become familiar with the production of films and therefore included some exercises with the camera. You also get training in scriptwriting, film history, cutting theory instruction of actors, concept development, and by criticism of productions. If you are thinking about studying media studies or film at university, then Film Line is a perfect springboard. Read more
Writing Line Is your keyboard constant red-hot and your pens worn? Are you constantly searching for the most apposite words and the best-sounding phrase? Can you wake up in the middle of the night with an amazing formulation in the head, just to be on paper here and now? In other words - do you like to write? Would you like to write more, and maybe even do the writing for your career? Then a writing course at Askov High School a really good place to start. Read more
Danish Language & Culture Danish Language and Culture lessons in written and oral Danish especially aimed at foreigners who want to become familiar with the Danish language. The training also focuses on Danish culture and history, as well as insight in Danish politics and society. Read more Askov also offers short courses typically run for 5-7 days.
Short courses Sing for life, Sønderjysk spring, Art Literature history, Bridge, Patch Working, happiness and bright nights, Human and living environment - Are you single ?, Choir and chamber music and more