Askov School
On Askov, there are two things that we dare: First, we dare to get close to each other to get some good, close friendships. Second, we dare to cultivate professionalism in both academic subjects and our four creative main subjects. You may well enjoy when there is a requirement for you? And would you like to be with 125 other young people in the 9th or 10th grade? Can you answer 'yes' to these questions, then read more on this page or write or call us to order materials and arrange a visit to the school.
Our main values
On Askov School we find it important that -there is room for everyone who bidager to it will be a good school year -give space for each -the individual does not put himself above the community-we can trust each other, and talk if things trainees would something with both the academic and creative subjects Values Here you can read Askov and Efterskole statutes. In the Articles of Association can include read value basis in its entirety.
Video from Askov School
Askov Folk High School was founded in 1865 as Flors High School in Askov. Flors School was originally Rødding College - created by a professor at the University of Kiel C. Flor. Because of the war in 1864 had the school moved. The choice fell on the village Askov, which was sufficiently close to the new border Kongeåen to become a symbol of the Danish case on both sides of the border. Askov School was established in 2001 in a part of the school's buildings and started up by about 35 students the first year. In the 2009/2010 school year, the school admitted 135 students, all of whom live on tomands- and triple rooms and one four-man room.