All crooked threes
Third time is of course a charm, and with two successful performances in the baggage strikes Student Revue for the third time its doors to quack and horseplay, on Folketeateret Small Stage in Grøndal Centre.
The title of this year's revue is All Right Leaning and is based on the growing Danish intolerance and fright of differences. Student Revue has never been afraid to address controversial issues and be Revy-Denmark naughty boy, and this year is no exception. Not since Klaus Rifbjerg, Jesper Jensen and Leif Panduros Pig On The fork from 1962 revue had as sharp a profile as this year. Director Vice President this year occupied by Christina Sørensen and Tine Agertoft, both of which have appeared as actors in the Student Revue 2009 and 2010 and which now has the task of keeping track of the nine actors who are cast in this year's revue. Also, Tine Agertoft also assistant director on this year's Cirkus Revy when it kicks off in May. Student Revue 2011 to play in the period 24th March - 9 April, starting 19.30 on weeknights and 16:00 on Saturdays. Tickets Student Revue is available on 33 32 15 11 or via Billetnet . Revue can be found on www.alleligeskæve.dk and Association page www.studenterrevyen.dk . Further information about the revue and questions may be directed to press officer Andreas Theil on studenterrevy@live.dk or 23 84 47 90th