A Hereford Beefstouw

A Hereford Beefstouw

A Hereford Beefstouw is the steak house or a steak restaurant you must visit if hungry to be made with juicy steaks of high quality.

For A Hereford Beefstouw in the pedestrian zone in Odense next to the Danish Bank and Odense City Hall. Dining place is very cozy with many tables, where the seats vary according to the romantic table for round tables with room for all your friends.

The menu

In the center of the menu is the great steaks, primarily from cattle and poultry. A small part of the menu includes fish dishes. The steaks are available in many sizes and characterized is high quality, while the kitchen manages to cook the meat perfectly.

The wine list

Wine from the wine list is carefully chosen and you should clear supplement your main menu with red wine to the meat or white wine for starters or fish dishes.