8 indispensable advice if you want to drop smoking

8 indispensable advice if you want to drop smoking

Smokers are gradually an extinct race. One political approach after another has reduced the number of places smokers can enjoy their cigarette. The parliament took the passive smoker's side during the debate about smoking. The passive smokers then felt that smokers deprived them of the right to avoid smoke while smokers have felt that there are various smoking bans committed an intervention that limits their personal free choice to smoke.
However, the situation today is that there are very few places to smoke. It has caused many to stop, but there are also those who have not been able to put the smokers off.
If you are one of these and want to stop, you should listen to this.

There are several good reasons to stop. Smoking can include cause cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, reduce one's reproductive system (reduce the chance of having children, or increase the chance of directly injuring one's children). The consequences are many. However, this should not be a reminder of the consequences of smoking, as we have all heard the stories many times.

Here are some tips for you who are planning a smoking cessation:

  1. A slow start, which can mentally prepare you for your smoking cessation.

  • It can be difficult to take a cold turkey. Start if necessary. just be allowed to smoke outside and give your walls a good paint so that some of the nicotine can disappear from the walls. It will give you a new and fresh feeling, and you will, to a lesser extent, be constantly affected by smoking.

  1. Find a good reason to drop smoking.

  • This may be your family, money or your health, which must be the motivation to quit smoking.

  1. Find support and advice from your doctor.

  • You can go to nicotine replacement therapy or behavioral therapy, and in some cases your doctor may give you medicines that can make your smoking stop easier.

  1. Relax in other ways.

  • Many smokers smoke to relax. Indulge in other ways, possibly. with a whirlpool, find a new hobby, and / or plan to see your friends something more. Do you stay active and enjoy yourself, do you think less about smoking.

  1. Alcohol is no go.

  • You should keep from alcohol while you quit smoking. "It's just a single, and there's party" is a classic excuse that makes you fall into the trap again.

  1. Eat lots of vegetables and fruit, drink plenty of water and enjoy your sleep.

  • The most important thing is that you do some things that are healthy for your body. It would be a shame to replace a bad habit with someone else and drop cigarettes for the benefit of burgers and coke.

  1. Do you fall, then get up again.

  • The fewest smokers are able to quit smoking the first time they try. However, you should not give up. Next time you try, give it just an extra skull.

  1. See e-cigarettes as an option.

  • E-cigarettes are a healthier alternative to smoking if you find it hard to put the smokers off.
    The good thing is that you do not inhale tobacco, and you will find that your health is getting better. There are also better options to completely eliminate the dependence on nicotine as you can reduce the amount continuously.

Determine a date and follow the above advice, you will probably see an improvement in your quality of life.
Good luck with the smoking stop.