3 simple tips to avoid stress during the study

3 simple tips to avoid stress during the study

Although many when they grow older think back in college time as a wonderful period without many obligations and responsibilities, it's really a really stressful period when you're in it.

There are both assignments to be handed in, examinations to be passed and a social circle that you must not neglect.

Several students therefore suffer from stress or symptoms, and for some it becomes so wrong that they have to drop out.

Before it goes wrong, however, there are a number of things you can do to stress and get through the study without a stomach ulcer.

This article provides you with 3 simple tips for avoiding stress on your study.

1. Stress off with a hobby

One of the best ways to avoid stress is to forget about everything that stresses one and get a little away from it all.

Forgetting all about time and place and instead immersion is best done with a good hobby, which just requires immersion.

It could, for example, Be crocheting a larger project, start painting, learning to portray or perhaps become a shark for SLR shooting so you can take a relaxing trip in the woods and focus only on taking beautiful pictures.

A tip is to get you such a hobby and use it to immerse yourself and forget about time. For example, you can Click on WeTeach.dk and take some of their many hobby and creative courses to get started. Eg. You can see a photo course for beginners if it's photography you want to throw yourself in.

2. Practice meditation or mindfulness

It may sound a bit of hocus pocus for you, but in fact there are many who find help in mindfulness and meditation.

Although you may feel strange when you are sitting and focusing on your eyes closed eyes, it actually gives you the necessary tools, so you can keep your head cold and focus on the target in other stressful situations. .

This is especially useful during the study and it does not cost anything to get started. Eg. There are lots of free apps, video guides and articles that can help you get started, for example. mindfulness.

3. Take weekend breaks at home

For most, the home's safe framework is something that makes you relax. So why not call your parents and say you just need a break and if they did not want to take care of you in the coming weekend.

They certainly want to leave, leave cell phone and computer at home, take the laundry, and have some good long walks and sleep a lot of hours at home at the "old ones" this weekend. When you meet the studio Monday, you will definitely be ready for another busy week, but with more peace of mind!