10 tips for a better exam

10 tips for a better exam

Most are more or less anxious when they have exams. And it is about an oral examination is the most even worse. Statistics show that 96% of the world's population is more afraid to present something for other people than they are of dying! But there is nothing to do about this exam anxiety and improve the results of your performance? Yes, very much! Studenterguiden.dk has teamed up with coach Malte Lange from Mind-set and developed ten tips that should give you a better chance to clear your exam well:

1. Make a good entrance
It is important that you enter the examination room in a relaxed and confident way when you need to oral exam. Straighten your back, push your chest slightly forward, shoulders down and take a deep breath. Go now smiling into, take another deep breath and give the teacher and censor the hand and introduce yourself - relaxed, clearly and confidently. It provides a good start, and the ice is broken.

2. Ask about teacher / examiner's questions
"I do not understand your formulation ... Will try to elaborate or ask in a different way?" This sentence is worth gold! Your teacher will in fact like to make sure that you seem to be so good to the subject as possible, since it is their job to you it is. If you fall through, then it drops to a certain extent also back on the teacher. So your teacher will gladly help you. Give the teacher the opportunity to help you with this sentence. When people need to reformulate themselves or elaborate, there will often be a little more "meat ", and you will have a greater chance to code it together in your brain and find the answer out. Many teachers and examiners reveals The connection in question when they repeat and the answers they seek, if you ask them to elaborate on one or two time.

3. Borrow the others exam answers
No it is not to cheat on the written exam. It's just a technique to get better at it. For the hearing: Be sure not to have to up it first and then come to a total of time for your exam. Udspørg all the others what they have been up in what they were asked what they replied feedback given to them by the teacher / examiner, canceled all your facts-information with others who have been in or about to enter . There really scores some extra marks with this tip. The pearls are regularly exposed by the teacher / examiner or of the other students - and if you come in due time you can reach preparing the important things like maybe glippet in exam preparation. Remember to give your peers the same help as you expect of them. Stay after the exam and share out to those who want your knowledge.

4. Get peace on the day before
Plan your exams so that you at least have one day free until you take the exam. Use the day to relax, socialize with friends, watch movies or do something you think is relaxing. Something that gives you peace of. You know best what it is. I prefer to spend some time with good friends and talk about something completely different than the studio - for example, go and see Stand-up or just talk about anything and everything.

5. Do not panic over the errors and false statements
If you make mistakes, let take it easy. Correct the error (if necessary) and then continue where you left off. Everyone makes mistakes, just make sure that most of what you say is true, then you are well on your way. Your teacher wants you to look as good as possible, give them a chance to forget the imperfections do not even pay attention to them.

6. Get a proper nourishment
Before you go in for an oral exam, make sure just to eat something sugary (like fruit) and drink some water - so you have the most necessary for you to perform well in the 15-25 minutes it wont last . For a written exam you need more food and drink. Take some wholemeal bread with lean meat and salad with with water and possible. The in a thermos. Take also some healthy snacks with when you become a ditty - almonds and raisins are a good and delicious alternative to candy and chips.

7. Understand the questions in the task
This is important for scriptlige exams. Use the time to understand the tasks you have to solve. Read through them several times and consider what the job contains and what they expect from a solution. If you are in any doubt about what is meant, do not hesitate to contact the exam responsible teacher.

8. Remember breaks
Keep small breaks regularly when you close your eyes for 2 minutes and relaxing in the back, shoulder and neck. Go possible. the toilet and look yourself a little in the mirror and smile to yourself. It makes it less formal and you get renewed energy.

9. Find your best bet
For all subjects, it is important to remember some of the best bet, as the teacher has given during the year. Write your best bet up that you will remember to say, so you have them with the preparation. So you can impress with your huge memory at the exam table.

10. Prepare yourself!
Sorry, there's no way around it. To ensure the best exam as possible - so be sure to prepare properly. Read the entire syllabus 2 times. Loose sample tasks and talk to your classmates about how they read the exam. And do not be afraid to ask those who receive high marks how they read up or taking exams. You might learn something.