IBM Danmark A/S
IBM Danmark A/S er et af Danmarks største virksomhed inden for informationsteknologiske produkter, løsninger og serviceydelser. De primære forretningsområder ligger inden for netværksløsninger, systemintegration, service- og konsulentvirksomhed. Det er en inovativ virksomhed, der har eksisteret i næsten 100 år. Det er en internationalt virksomhed, med afdelinger en masse forskellige steder i verden, blandt andet Danmark. Derfor foregår det meste af kommunikationen også på engelsk på deres hjemmeside, men det er muligt at kontakte den danske afdeling via deres telefon og her kan du få svar på de spørgsmål du må have.
IMB's egne, engelske ord
IBM is one of the world leaders in IT Services and Consultancy. And our vision is to bring a new level of smart to how the world works. A place where people, businesses, governments, objects and systems all work, talk, listen and understand each other. A place where billions of people will live and work better.
From more efficient energy production, to pollution reduction and better communication systems. We’re assisting victims of natural disasters, addressing food shortages, improving educational opportunities for billions and helping cities across the globe get smarter.
And we’re looking for talented professionals to work with us, across all areas of our business, to take on some of the most challenging problems our planet is facing today. In return, we will offer you amazing opportunities, attractive benefits and a unique mix of people, business knowledge and technological expertise.
Be an innovator
Whether you’re fresh out of college, or an experienced professional, IBM is the place to be. Here, you can cultivate your expertise, use your knowledge to the fullest extent, or re-invent yourself, without ever having to leave the company.
We are the world’s largest IT and consulting company. Great opportunities abound. Build your portfolio while working on society’s most pressing issues. They’re at the top of our strategic agenda. From energy production to climate change, traffic congestion, health care, and everything in between.
Join us as we enter a new era for our industry, and make the world a smarter planet.