Three great ways to find accommodation on

Do you also find it difficult to find accommodation? Try these methods and see if they can help you a step closer to shelter.

Use your network active (both offline and online)
It's a great idea to use its network - both offline and online. Tell friends and acquaintances that you are looking for accommodation and is very responsive to suggestions and the like. The same should you do on the Internet where you can benefit from using social media to tell including Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, etc.

Find a housing association online
Another great way to take advantage of the housing associations. Typically, you will at the housing association website could look at different homes and have the opportunity to rent them. The advantage of using a housing association is that with great warranty can see photos and important information about the different homes on the site.

A good example of a housing association that has a good website you will find here .

Take advantage of waiting lists
In many places it is possible to be on a waiting list for housing. This you might as well take advantage of, since in most cases is free to stand on such a waiting list.