
As soon as you have stepped in the door at a hairdresser Shakespeare, in their bright new room you sense that it is a very special salon.

As soon as you have stepped in the door at a hairdresser Shakespeare, in their new bright rooms, you sense that it is a very special salon.

Thus, here you will experience what is being taken care of you and your hair in a relaxing environment with a friendly atmosphere that greets you breathe out and enjoy being able to pamper your hair. In Shakespeare there is no doubt that you are in the center and there is plenty of time for you and your hair.

Salon professional hairdressers stays always up to date with the latest styles and techniques, and is always ready with new hairstyles and colors that fits you and your style.

The salon consists of a creative team of stylists who constantly strives to provide their customers with the best experience and the best result.

Student Discounts

10% student discount



Trøjborgvej 8F
8200 Aarhus N

Contact info

Telefon: 86 10 13 17

Opening Hours

Mandag - torsdag: 09.30 - 17.30

Fredag: 09.30 - 18.00

Lørdag og søndag: Lukket



Shakespeare's website