Hair Fashion by Ulla Michaelsen

Hair Fashion by Ulla Michaelsen

Meldgaard Intercouiffure opened its doors on June 1st 2008. The following two years, there have been major changes. Salonen has changed its name to Hair Fashion by Ulla Michaelsen, founder of the salon. Ulla Michaelsen is a newcomer to Sønderborg from Ribe where she was trained in 2001.

In Hair Fashion, you will experience the relaxing atmosphere in quiet surroundings, but views of The harbor. You will be welcomed by a smiling staff with vast experience in the time trend.

All are welcome, all need accommodating guidance, we are updated with the trend, but we always take into account our customers' personality and we never compromise with our professionalism.

We cut both men and women, and is always ready with ideas and advice, so stay tuned.

About hairdressers at Meldgaard Intercoiffure

Ulla holds Hair Fashion. Ulla has both feet on the World- and depth to his work, and follow it all the way to the door. She is passionate about learning more, by training at home and abroad.

She loves her work and it means a lot to her staff thrive and that the atmosphere in the salon are go, so it can be passed on to customers.

Ulla stands for langhåropsætninger the weekends. She is very thorough in his work and nothing is random. Is always happy, smiling and ready with a helping hand.

Dan is our talented assistant, he is our mood bomb and one of the creative touches in Hair Fashion. Dan is really sønderjyde raised in Holbøl and trained in sønderborg.

I was fortunate to pick him up in January 2009 to the salon.
Dan comes with exciting ideas and disciplines to the salon, he always smiles and loves his creative subjects.

He is a creative hairdresser who does not hesitate on his professionalism.

Vicki is our first student, she is two years over in his education, and must apprenticeship in 2012. Vicki is the "quiet" girl at Hair Fashion, but is always fun and spas, and is always rap in the reply. She both colors, perms and rocks our customers and do a great job - you are in safe hands with her. She is passionate about her profession and is eager to learn more. She is always happy and helpful, and we believe that she is a fantastic hairdresser.


Sønder Havnegade 14
6400 Sønderborg

Contact info

Telefon: 4110 8210‎


Opening Hours

Mandag     LUKKET
Tirsdag     09.00-17.00
Onsdag     08.00-20.00
Torsdag     08.00-20.00
Fredag     07.30- 18.00
Lørdags åben fra 1 april


Hair Fashion by Ulla Michaelsen's website

Hair Fashion by Ulla Michaelsen
Hair Fashion by Ulla Michaelsen
Hair Fashion by Ulla Michaelsen
Hair Fashion by Ulla Michaelsen